Interesting Links
Future events
(August 7th - 11th, 2017)
X Latin American Conference on Biomathematics
- SOLABIMA (Cusco, Perú)
(September 19th - 22th, 2017)
Biomath session -
XXXVII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada (São José dos Campos, SP)
Past events
(August 2nd - 5th, 2016)
XII Seminário Internacional de Biomatemática (Lima, Perú)
(March 2nd - 7th, 2015)
Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena (IMPA, RJ
(July 12th - 17th, 2015)
IX Latin American Conference on Biomathematics
- SOLABIMA (UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
(2014 Summer)
Mathematical Modeling in Biology at IMPA
- Nicolas Vauchelet (Paris VI)
2016 -
Meetings of Biomath at Mathematics Department
More Past events
Markovich, Biomath and PDE's (Viena, Austria)
Hatem Zaag
and Biomath 's activities (Paris, France)
2nd Meeting on Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Medicine (Feb'07, France)
II Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (Campinas 2007,Brazil)
Biomath at UNICAMP (SP, Brazil)
Biomath at IMPA 2005 (RJ, Brazil)
Biomath at IMPA 2006 (RJ,Brazil)