The Linux DOC Project

The main archive of Linux documentation is written by the Linux DOC project and can be found here . This project generates manual pages, 'HOWTO' files - short summaries on setting up specific items, as well as full books one of which will shortly be released by O'Reilly. This page also contains links to linux resources world wide. There is a UK mirror of these in Oxford.

Linux Journal is a monthly magazine for and about Linux carrying a wide range of Linux related articles as well as advertisements and Linux consultant lists. Linux World magazine is a new UK based Linux magazine being launched at the moment.


A sample of some of the many books now available for Linux

  • 'The Linux Network Administrators Guide' by Olaf Kirch. O'Reilly & Assoc.
  • 'LINUX: From PC to Workstation' by Stefan Strobel & Thomas Uhl. Springer Verlag.
  • 'Using Linux' by Jack Tackett, Jr. Que. (includes CD).
  • 'Running Linux' by Welsh, Kaufman. O'Reilly & Assoc.
  • 'Linux Installation and Configuration' by Volkerding, Reichard, Johnson, MIS press.
  • 'The Web Server Book: Tools and Techniques for Building Your Own Internet Information Site' by Jonathan Magid, R. Douglas Matthews et al. Includes Slackware Linux on CD.
  • 'Linux World' by Lin Shan-Yang (in Chinese)- ISBN957-23-0243-4.
  • 'Inside Linux: A Look at Operating System Development' by Randolph Bentson - SSC

Useful Online Books

Linux Books

Word Wide Web Books

Development Projects

The following links point to Linux-related development projects. This does not include commercial software development, which is listed below. The Linux Projects Map also lists ongoing Linux development projects.

Commercial Products, Companies, and Organizations

Here are links to commercial sites which carry Linux-related products and information.

Linux Links

The following links point to other pages with Linux information.
Tomas Pihl