Dirceu Bagio
Department of Mathematics - Federal University of Santa Catarina
Research interest
Hopf algebras
Partial actions of groups/groupoids
Galois theory
e-mail: d.bagio [at] ufsc.br or sdbagio [at] gmail.com
phone: +55 48 37213658
address: Department of Mathematics, R. Eng. Agronômico Andrei Cristian Ferreira, s/n - Trindade, Florianópolis - SC, Zip code: 88040-900
Click here to access my lattes cv of CNPq.
Click here to access my papers in arXiv.
D. Bagio and H. Pinedo; Partial actions of groups on generalized matrix rings , J. Algebra, 663, 533-564 (2025)
N. Andruskiewitsch, D. Bagio, S. Della Flora and D. Flôres, On the Drinfeld double of the restricted Jordan plane in characteristic 2
, J. of Pure and App. Algebra, 229, p. 107798 (2025).
D. Bagio, D. Gonçalves, P. S. Estácio, and J. Oinert; The ideal structure of partial skew groupoid rings with
applications to topological dynamics and ultragraph algebras , Forum Mathematicum, 1, (2024).
D. Bagio, C. G. Canto, D. Gonçalves, and D. Royer; The reduction theorem for algebras of one-sided subshifts over
arbitrary alphabets , Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas,
118, 1-21 (2024).
N. Andruskiewitsch, D. Bagio, S. Della Flora and D. Flôres, On the
Laistrygonian Nichols algebras that are domains , Journal of Alg. Comb., 58, 549-568 (2023).
D. Bagio, L. Martinez and H. Pinedo, Epsilon-strongly graded rings: Azumaya algebras and partial crossed products, Forum Math.., 35, 1257-1277(2023).
N. Andruskiewitsch, D. Bagio, S. Della Flora and D. Flôres, Examples of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras in characteristic 2, Glasgow Math. Journal, 64 (1), 65-78(2022).
D. Bagio, A. Santana, T. Tamusiunas, Galois correspondence for group-type partial actions of groupoids, Bull. Belgian Math. Soc.; 28, 745-767 (2022).
D. Bagio, A. Cañas, V. Marín, A. Paques and H. Pinedo, The commutative inverse semigroup of partial abelian extensions, Comm. Algebra 50 (4), 1498-1517 (2022).
D. Bagio, A. Paques and H. Pinedo, On partial skew groupoid rings, Int. J. Algebra and Comp. 31, 1-17(2021).
Bagio, G. Garcia, J. M. Giraldi and o. Marquez, RFinite-Dimensional Nichols Algebras over Dual Radford Algebras, J. Algebra and Its Appl. 20, 2140001 (2020).
D. Bagio, A. Paques and H. Pinedo, Restriction and extension of partial actions, Journal P. App. Algebra 224, 106391 (2020).
Andruskiewitsch, D. Bagio, S. Della Flora and D. Flôres, On the bosonization of the super Jordan plane, São Paulo J. of Math. Sciences. 13, 1-26 (2019).
N. Andruskiewitsch, D. Bagio, S. Della Flora and D. Flôres, Representations of the super Jordan plane, São Paulo J. of Math. Sciences. 11, 312-325 (2017).
D. Bagio and H. Pinedo, On the separability of the partial skew groupoid ring, São Paulo J. of Math. Sciences. 11, 370-384 (2017).
D.Bagio, D. Flôres and A. Sant'Ana, Inner actions of weak Hopf algebras, J. Algebra and Its Appl. 16, 1750118 (2016).
D. Bagio and H. Pinedo,Globalization of partial actions of groupoids on nonunital rings, J. Algebra and Its Appl. 15, 1650096 (2016).
Andruskiewitsch, I. Angiono and D. Bagio, Examples of pointed color Hopf algebras, J. Algebra and Its Appl. 13, 1350098 (2013).
D. Bagio and A. Paques, Partial Groupoid Actions: Globalization, Morita Theory, and Galois Theory, Comm. Algebra 40, 3658-3678 (2012).
D. Bagio, Partial actions of inductive groupoids on rings, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 20, 33-47 (2011).
D.Bagio, D. Flores and A. Paques, Partial actions of ordered groupoids on rings, J. Algebra and Its Appl. 9, 501-517 (2010).
D. Bagio, J. Lazzarin and A. Paques, Crossed products by twisted partial actions: separability, semisimplicity and Frobenius properties, Comm. Algebra 38, 496-508 (2010)
D. Bagio and A. Paques, A variant of the primitive element theorem for separable extensions of a commutative ring, Alg. and Discrete Math., 3, 20-26 (2009).
D. Bagio, W. Cortes, M. Ferrero and A. Paques, Actions of inverse semigroups on algebras, Comm. Algebra 35, 3865-3874 (2007).
D. Bagio and A. Paques, A generalized primitive element theorem, Math. J. Okayama Univ. 34, 171-181 (2007).
D. Bagio, I. Dias and A. Paques, On self-dual normal bases, Indag. Mathem. 17, 1-11 (2006).