Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina

Douglas Soares Gonçalves

Refereed papers

  1. D. S. Gonçalves, M. L. N. Gonçalves, J. G. Melo: Improved Convergence Rates for the Multiobjective Frank–Wolfe Method, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applicatons , 205(2): 20, 2025. [ online ]

  2. D. S. Gonçalves, M. L. N. Gonçalves, J. G. Melo: An away-step Frank-Wolfe algorithm for constrained multiobjective optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 88:759--781, 2024. [ online ][ code ]

  3. E. Boos, D. S. Gonçalves, F. S.V. Bazán: Levenberg-Marquardt method with singular scaling and applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 474:128688, 2024. [ online ]

  4. J. B. Francisco, D. S. Goncalves: Nonmonotone feasible arc search algorithm for minimization on Stiefel manifold, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42:175, 2023.
    [ online ]

  5. R. Filippozzi, D. S. Gonçalves, L. R. Santos: First-order methods for the convex hull membership problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 306(1), 17--33, 2023.
    [ online ]

  6. S. Khalife, D. S. Gonçalves, L. Liberti: Distance geometry for word representations and applications. Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science, 6, 100073, 2023.
    [ online ]

  7. T. S. Araújo, D. S. Gonçalves, C. Torezzan: A two-phase rank-based algorithm for low-rank matrix completion. Optimization Letters, 17, 1679--16952, 2023. [ online ]

  8. D. S. Gonçalves, M. L. N. Gonçalves, T. C. Menezes: Inexact variable metric method for convex-constrained optimization problems. Optimization, 71(1), 145--163, 2022. [ online ]

  9. S. B. Hengeveld, N. Rubiano da Silva, D. S. Gonçalves, P. H. Souto Ribeiro, A. Mucherino: An optical processor for matrix-by-vector multiplication: an application to the distance geometry problem in 1D. Journal of Optics, 24(1), 015701, 2022. [ online ]

  10. S. Khalife, D. Gonçalves, Y. Allouah, L. Liberti: Further results on latent discourse models and word embeddings. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(270), 1--36, 2021. [ online ]

  11. D. S. Gonçalves, C. Lavor, L. Liberti, M. Souza: A new algorithm for the KDMDGP subclass of Distance Geometry Problems with exact distances. Algorithmica, 83(8), 2400--2426, 2021.
    [ online ]

  12. D. S. Gonçalves, M. L. N. Gonçalves, F. R. Oliveira: An inexact projected LM type algorithm for solving convex constrained nonlinear equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 391, 113421, 2021. [ online ]

  13. C. Lavor, M. Souza, L. M. Carvalho, D. S. Gonçalves, A. Mucherino: Improving the sampling process in the interval Branch-and-Prune algorithm for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation , 389, 125586, 2021. [ online ]

  14. J. B. Francisco, D. S. Gonçalves, F. S. V. Bazán, L. L. T. Paredes: Nonmonotone inexact restoration approach for minimization with orthogonality constraints. Numerical Algorithms , 86, 1651--1684, 2021 [ online ]

  15. D. S. Gonçalves: A least-squares approach for discretizable distance geometry problems with inexact distances. Optimization Letters , 14(2), 423-437 , 2020. [ online ] [ code ]

  16. J. Omer, D. S. Gonçalves: An integer programming approach for the search of discretization orders in distance geometry problems. Optimization Letters , 14(2), 439--452, 2020. [ online ]

  17. J. B. Francisco, D. S. Gonçalves, F. S. V. Bazán, L. L. T. Paredes: Non-monotone inexact restoration method for nonlinear programming. Computational Optimization and Applications, 76, 867--888, 2020. [ online ]

  18. R. Behling, D. S. Gonçalves, S. A. Santos: Local Convergence Analysis of the Levenberg–Marquardt Framework for Nonzero-Residue Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems Under an Error Bound Condition. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 183, 1099--1122, 2019. [ online ]

  19. S. J. L. Billinge, P. M. Duxbury, D. S. Gonçalves, C. Lavor, A. Mucherino: Recent results on assigned and unassigned distance geometry with applications to protein molecules and nanostructures. Annals of Operations Research, 271, 161--203, 2018. [ online ]

  20. F. Fidalgo, D. S. Gonçalves, C. Lavor, L. Liberti, A. Mucherino: A symmetry-based splitting strategy for discretizable distance geometry problems. Journal of Global Optimization , 71(4), 717--733, 2018. [ online ]

  21. D. S. Gonçalves, C. L. N. Azevedo, C. Lavor, M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero: Bayesian inference for quantum state tomography. Journal of Applied Statistics , 45(10), 1846-1871, 2018. [ online ]

  22. D. Maioli, C. Lavor, D. S. Gonçalves: A note on computing the intersection of spheres in Rn. The ANZIAM Journal , 59(2), 271-279, 2017. [ online ]

  23. J. B. Francisco, D. S. Gonçalves: A fixed-point method for approximate projection onto the positive semidefinite cone. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 523(C), 59-78, 2017. [ online ][ code ]

  24. D. S. Gonçalves, A. Mucherino, C. Lavor, L. Liberti: Recent advances on the interval distance geometry problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 69(3), 525-545, 2017. [ online ]

  25. D. S. Gonçalves, S. A. Santos: A globally convergent method for nonlinear least-squares problems based on the Gauss-Newton model with spectral correction. Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, 4, 7-26, 2016. [ online ]

  26. S. J. L. Billinge, P. M. Duxbury, D. S. Gonçalves, C. Lavor, A. Mucherino: Assigned and unassigned distance geometry: applications to biological molecules and nanostructures.
    4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 14(4), 337-376, 2016. [ online ]

  27. D. S. Gonçalves, S. A. Santos: Local analysis of a spectral correction for the Gauss-Newton model applied to quadratic residual problems. Numerical Algorithms, v. 73, p. 407-431, 2016.
    [ online ]

  28. D. S. Gonçalves, A. Mucherino: Optimal partial discretization orders for discretizable distance geometry. International Transactions in Operational Research, v. 23, p. 947-967, 2016.
    [ online ]

  29. D. S. Gonçalves, M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero and C. Lavor: A projected gradient method for optimization over density matrices. Optimization Methods and Software, v. 31, p. 328-341, 2016. [ online ][ code ]

  30. D. S. Gonçalves, M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero and C. Lavor. Global convergence of diluted iterations in Maximum-Likelihood Quantum Tomography. Quantum Information & Computation, v. 14, p. 0966-0980, 2014. [ arXiv ][ code ]

  31. D. S. Gonçalves and A. Mucherino. Discretization orders and efficient computation of cartesian coordinates for distance geometry. Optimization Letters, v. 8, p. 2111-2125, 2014.
    [ online ]

  32. D. S. Gonçalves, C. Lavor, M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero, A. T. Cesário, R. O. Vianna and  T. O. Maciel. Quantum state tomography with incomplete data: Maximum entropy and variational quantum tomography. Physical Review. A, v. 87, p. 052140, 2013. [ online ]

  33. D. S. Gonçalves, M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero, C. Lavor, O. J. Farias and P. H. S. Ribeiro. Local solutions of maximum likelihood estimation in quantum state tomography. Quantum Information & Computation, v. 12, p. 775-790, 2012. [ arXiv ]


  1. D. S. Gonçalves: Geometria de Distâncias: aspectos teóricos e computacionais. Notas em Matemática Aplicada, Volume 91, SBMAC, 2020. (in Portuguese) [ Última atualização ]

Special Issues

  1. F. Alizadeh, D. Gonçalves, N. Krislock, L. Liberti: Special issue dedicated to Distance Geometry, Journal of Global Optimization , 72(1), 2018. [ online ]

  2. F. Alizadeh, D. Gonçalves, N. Krislock, L. Liberti: Distance Geometry Theory and Applications (DGTA 16), Discrete and Applied Mathematics , 256, 1--162, 2019. [ online ]

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Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics