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Generalized Distance Measures
The quantity
appearing in the unified expression (3.8) or in the entropy of order
and degree
i.e., in the expression (3.7) plays an important role. Let us write it
in the simplified form:
(3.22) |
for all
The quantity (3.49) is famous as generalized distance measure (Boekee
and Van der Lubbe, 1979 [15]; Capocelli et
al., 1985 [24]) or the generalized certainty
measure (Van der Lubbe et al., 1984 [116]).
Another distance measure arising from the entropy of order
is given by
(3.23) |
for all
This measure has been considered by Capocelli et al. (1985) [24].
The quantities (3.49) and (3.50) contain as a particular case the measures
studied by Trouborst et al., (1974) [112],
Györfi and Nemetz (1975) [42], Devijver
(1974) [34], Vajda (1968) [113]
The measures (3.22) and (3.23) satisfy some properties. These are given
as follows:
Property 3.25. For all
we have
is a convex function of P for
is a concave function of P for
is a pseudoconvex/quasiconvex/Schur-convex function of P for
is a pseudoconcave/quasiconcave/Schur-concave function of P for
Property 3.26. For all
we have
is a decreasing function of r (
fixed and
is an increasing function of r (
fixed and
is a decreasing function of
(r fixed and
is an increasing function of
(r fixed and
Property 3.27. For all
we have
(i) (
(ii) (
Property 3.28. For all
we have
is an increasing function of r (
is an increasing function of
(r fixed).
(ii) (
Inder Jeet Taneja
Departamento de Matemática - UFSC
88.040-900 Florianópolis, SC - Brazil