Our affiliate program is administered by RegNow. To join our affiliate program just complete the sign up form. To get more information about the RegNow Affiliate Network, read this description. Put a special link on your site and receive 20-30% of the retail price of any software purchased via this link.

Select the product you want to sell and then place the appropriate HTML code on your web site.

Product Name Product ID Price($) Commission($)
Function Grapher 13232-1 34.95 10.5
Math Studio 13232-7 24.95 7.5
Visual Data 13232-6 150 30
Complex Grapher 13232-11 19.95 6
Visual Fractal 13232-12 19.95 6
Math Calculator 13232-5 14.95 4.5

You can use two methods to refer the customers to the product information.

Link to GraphNow Software Homepage
Link to the Product's Order Form
  • replace "XXXX" with your affiliate ID#
  • replace "ProductID" with the number from the previous table

If you have any questions about our affiliate program, please send them to sales@graphnow.com.


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