K-theory and Operator Algebras - 2025 CIMPA School - August 04-08, 2025, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mini-Course: C*-algebras of twisted étale groupoids and Cartan pairs
Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems Seminar - IST - Dezember 17, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal. Talk: Amenability and nuclearity of essential groupoid C*-algebras
XXVII Escola de Álgebra - Special Session at Algebraic Methods in Various Areas - July 15-19, 2024, São Paulo, Brazil. Talk: Operator algebras over the p-adic integers
Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS) - June 03-07, 2024, Lincoln-Nebraska, USA. Talk: Amenability and approximation properties for C*-algebraic dynamical systems
Summer Programm - Programa de Verão - IMPA - January 14-28, 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mini-course: Uma introdução as Álgebras de Operadores através de Grupoides
NCG&T Prague - November 14, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.. Invited talk: Nuclearity for C*-algebras of Fell bundles
Seminar Algebra-Geometrie-Kombinatorik - November 09, 2023, Dresden, Germany.. Invited talk: Deformation Quantization of Operator Algebras
Oberseminar C*-Algebren - October 17, 2023, Münster, Germany. Invited talk: Deformation of C*-algebras
Topics in K-theory and NCG - Conference to honor the contributions of Guillermo Cortiñas on his 60th birthday - July 24-28, 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Invited talk: Deformation of C*-algebras via coactions
Seminar on Deformation Quantization - July 14, 2023, Würzburg, Germany. Invited talk: A new approach to Rieffel Deformation of C*-algebras via coactions of groups
Seminar on Deformation Quantization - June 02, 2023, Würzburg, Germany. Invited talk: Landstad duality and Rieffel deformation
I Encontro de Pós-Graduandos em Matemática na UFSC - Dec 02, 2022, Florianópolis. Apresentação de área: Álgebras de Operadores
NCG&T Seminar - May 24, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic. Invited talk: Free actions of groups on separated graphs and their C*-algebras
Glasgow Analysis Seminar - March 24, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland. Invited talk: Free actions of groups on separated graphs and their C*-algebras
Together with Damián Ferraro and Fernando Abadie, I organized the Operator Algebras special session at the CLAM 2021 - Universidad de la Republica - Montevideo, 13-17 September, 2021.
Groups meet C*-algebras - 28 June - 9 July 2021, Münster, Germany. Invited talk: On my collaboration with Siegfried Echterhoff
Oberseminar C*-Algebren - April 20, 2021, Münster, Germany. Invited talk: Free actions of groups on separated graphs and their C*-algebras
The First WSU-IPM Joint Workshop on Operator Algebras - September 30-October 2, 2020, Online Workshop. Invited Speaker: Amenability for Actions of Groups on C*-algebras
Colóquio do Departamento de Matemática - 09/out/2020, Online, Florianópolis - UFSC. Palestrante convidado: Amenabilidade de grupos e suas ações sobre C*-álgebras
Glasgow Analysis Seminar - December 12, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland. Invited talk: Amenability and approximation properties of C*-dynamical systems
XXX International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications -IWOTA - July 22-26, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. Invited Speaker: Amenability of (partial) actions and Fell bundles
IV Workshop on Dynamics, Numeration and Tilings (IV FloripaDynSys) - 29 Apr-3 May 2019, Florianópolis, Brazil. Invited Speaker: Amenable actions and crossed products
Together with Pere Ara, Ruy Exel and Francesc Perera, I organized the Operator Algebras special session at the II Encuentro Conjunto RSME-SEMA-SBM-SBMAC - Universidad de Cádiz - Espanha, 11 a 14 de dezembro, 2018.
Together with Daniel Gonçalves, Gilles Castro, Giuliano Boava e Viviane Beuter, I organized the ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference - ICMOA - July 26-30, 2018 in Florianópolis, Brazil.
NCGOA 2018: C*-algebras and Dynamics - May 14-19, 2018, Münster, Germany.
Together with Paul Bressler, I organized the Operator Algebra special session at the XXII Coloquio Latino Americano de Algebra (XXII CLA) - 07-11 August 2017, Quito, Equador.
Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras (MCA2017) - 31 July -04 August 2017, Toronto, Canada. Invited Speaker: Proper actions of groups on C*-algebras and applications
Mathematical Congress of the Americas - 24-28 July 2017, Montreal, Canada. Invited Speaker: Groupoid actions - The symmetries of noncommutative spaces
IX Jornada de Álgebra - 04-06 Maio 2017, UEM, Maringá, Brasil. Invited Speaker, Plenary talk: Grupóides e suas ações sobre C*-álgebras
I Encontro Em Categorias Tensoriais E Suas Representações, 02-03 Março 2017, UFSC, Florianópolis, Brasil. Invited Speaker. Title of the talk: Simetrias não-comutativas: Um tratamento bicategórico
XXI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra - Buenos Aires - Argentina, 25-29 July 2016. Invited Speaker. Title of the talk: Groupoid fibrations and their C*-algebras
Workshop on New Directions in Inverse Semigroups - Ottawa - Canada, 01-04 June 2016.
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Operator Algebras - Ottawa - Canada, 29 May - 01 June 2016. Invited Speaker. Title of the talk: Inverse semigroups, groupoids and their actions on C*-algebras
I organized, together with Pere Ara, Ruy Exel, and Enrique Pardo, the special session on Operator Algebras at the First Joint Meeting Brazil-Spain in Mathematics - Fortaleza - Brazil, 07-10 Dez 2015.
Workshop on C*-algebras: Geometry and Actions - Münster - Germany, 13-17 July 2015. Speaker. Title of the talk: Symmetries of Noncommutative Spaces
I organized, together with Daniel Gonçalves, Vladimir Pestov, and Marcelo Sobottka, the Workshop on Functional Analysis and Dynamical Systems - Florianópolis - Brazil, 23-27 Fev 2015.
I organized, together with Roman Sasyk, the Special Session on Operator Algebras at the XX Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra - Lima - Peru, 08-12 Dez 2014.
Partial Actions and Representations Symposium (PARS) - Gramado - Brazil, 11-15 May 2014. Speaker. Title of the talk: Actions of inverse semigroups on groupoids by partial equivalences
Análise funcional geométrica e ações de grupos (Geometric functional analysis and group actions) - Florianópolis - Brazil, 19-21 Feb 2014. Invited Speaker. Title of the talk: Weakly proper actions, imprimitivity theorems and duality
SFB Miniworkshop on C*-Algebras, C*-Bundles, and Group Actions - Münster - Germany, 25-29 November 2013.
Noncommutative Geometry - Oberwolfach - Germany, 8 Sep - 14 Sep 2013.