Alcides Buss

Professor of Mathematics
at the Department of Mathematics
of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Campus Universitário Trindade
88.040-900 Florianópolis-SC, Brasil
Room: 113
Phone: +55 (48) 3721.6560 ext 4113
Mail: alcides.buss(at)

Seminário de C*-Álgebras

Research area: Operator Algebras

Research interests: several aspects of noncommutative dynamical systems, actions of group(oid)s on C*-algebras, Fell bundles, quantum groups, groupoids and (inverse) semigroups, p-adic operator algebras.

Papers (in inverse chronological order):

  1. Alcides Buss, Diego Matínez, Essential groupoid amenability and nuclearity of groupoid C*-algebras, preprint
  2. Bruno de Mendonça Braga, Alcides Buss, Ruy Exel, Flows on uniform Roe algebras, preprint
  3. Alcides Buss, Bartosz Kwaśniewski, Andrew McKee, Adam Skalski, Fourier-Stieltjes category for twisted groupoid actions, preprint
  4. Pere Ara, Alcides Buss and Ado Dalla Costa, Inverse semigroups of separated graphs and associated algebras, preprint
  5. Alcides Buss, Luiz Felipe Garcia and Devarshi Mukherjee, Operator algebras over the p-adic integers, preprint
  6. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Deformation of Fell bundles, preprint, submitted for publication
  7. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, A new approach to deformation of C*-algebras via coactions, preprint, submitted for publication
  8. Nathan Brownlowe, Alcides Buss, Daniel Gonçalves, Jeremy B. Hume, Aidan Sims, Michael F. Whittaker, KK-duality for self-similar groupoid actions on graphs, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 377(2024), no.8, 5513-5560. ,
  9. Alcides Buss and Diego Martínez, Approximation properties of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and non-Hausdorff groupoids, Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 431, 376 (2023),
  10. Pere Ara, Alcides Buss and Ado Dalla Costa, Free actions of groups on separated graph C*-algebras , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), no. 4, 2875-2919,
  11. Alcides Buss, Damian Ferraro and Camila Sehnem, Nuclearity for partial crossed products by exact discrete groups , Journal of Operator Theory, 88:1(2022), 83-115
  12. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, Amenability and weak containment for actions of locally compact groups on C*-algebras, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society In press: Volume 301, Number 1513.
  13. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, Erratum for ''The minimal exact crossed product'' Doc. Math. 26 (2021), 1629-1632, 53 (2022), no. 1, 173--227
  14. Fernando Abadie, Alcides Buss and Damian Ferraro, Amenability and approximation properties for partial actions and Fell bundles. Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series 53 (2022), no. 1, 173--227
  15. Paolo Antonini, Alcides Buss, Alexander Engel, Timo Siebenand, Strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology and exotic group C*-algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374 (2021), no. 7, 5071--5093
  16. Alcides Buss and Ralf Meyer, Iterated crossed products for groupoid fibrations, preprint.
  17. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, Injectivity, crossed products, and amenable group actions, (chapter in K-theory in algebra, analysis and topology), Contemp. Math., 749, 105--137, Amer. Math. Soc., [Providence], RI, [2020].
  18. Alcides Buss and Aidan Sims, Opposite algebras of groupoid C*-algebras, Israel Journal of Mathematics. 244, pages 759-774 (2021)
  19. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, The maximal injective crossed product, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 40 (2020), no. 11, 2995--3014.
  20. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, The minimal exact crossed product, Documenta Math. 23 (2018) 2043-2077
  21. Fernando Abadie, Alcides Buss and Damian Ferraro, Morita enveloping Fell bundles, Bull Braz Math Soc, New Series Online version (2018)
  22. Alcides Buss, Rohit Holkar and Ralf Meyer, A universal property for groupoid C*-algebras. I, Proc. London Math. Society. 117 (2018), no. 2, 345-375
  23. Alcides Buss and Ralf Meyer, Crossed products for actions of crossed modules on C*-algebras, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. 11 (2017), no. 3, 1195-1235
  24. Alcides Buss, Ruy Exel and Ralf Meyer, Reduced C*-algebras of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups, Israel Journal of Mathematics. 220 (2017), no. 1, 225-274.
  25. Alcides Buss and Ralf Meyer, Inverse semigroup actions on groupoids, vol. 47, no. 1 (2017), 53-159, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics.
  26. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Rieffel proper actions, Journal of Operator Theory vol. 75, Issue 1 (2016), 49-73,
  27. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Weakly proper group actions, Mansfield's imprimitivity and twisted Landstad duality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 368 (2016), 249-280 ,
  28. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, Exotic Crossed Products, survey paper published as a chapter in Proceedings of The Abel Symposium 2015 - Operator Algebras and Applications.
  29. Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff and Rufus Willett, Exotic crossed products and the Baum-Connes conjecture, Crelles Journal, online version (2015),
  30. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Maximality of dual coactions on sectional C*-algebras of Fell bundles and applications, Studia Mathematica, 229(2015), 233-262 ,
  31. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Imprimitivity theorems for weakly proper actions of locally compact groups, Erg. Theory Dyn. Systems., vol. 35, nr. 08 (2015), 2412-2457
  32. Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff, Universal and exotic generalized fixed-point algebras for weakly proper actions and duality, Indiana Univ. Math. Journal, vol. 63, nr. 6 (2014), 1659-1701 ,
  33. Alcides Buss, Generalized fixed point algebras for coactions of locally compact quantum groups, Münster Journal of Mathematics 6 (2013), 295-341
  34. Alcides Buss, Ralf Meyer and Chenchang Zhu, A higher category approach to twisted actions on C*-algebras, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., vol. 56, 2013, 387-426.
  35. Alcides Buss and Ruy Exel, Inverse semigroup expansions and their actions on C*-Algebras, Illinois J. Math. 56, Nr 4 (2012), 1001-1343
  36. Alcides Buss, Ruy Exel and Ralf Meyer, Inverse semigroup actions as groupoid actions, Semigroup Forum, vol. 85, 2012, 227-243.
  37. Alcides Buss, Ralf Meyer and Chenchang Zhu, Non-Hausdorff symmetries of C*-algebras, Math. Ann., vol. 352, 2012, nr. 1, 73-97.
  38. Alcides Buss and Ruy Exel, Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and twisted étale groupoids, J. Operator Theory, vol. 67, 2012, 153-205.
  39. Alcides Buss and Ruy Exel, Twisted actions and regular Fell bundles over inverse semigroups, Proc. London Math. Soc., vol. 103, 2011, 235-270.
  40. Alcides Buss, Integrability of dual coactions on Fell bundle C*-algebras, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.), vol. 41, 2010, nr. 4, 607-641.
  41. Alcides Buss and Ralf Meyer, Square-integrable coactions of locally compact quantum groups, Reports on Mathematical Physics, vol. 63, 2009, nr. 1, 191-224.
  42. Alcides Buss, A generalized Fourier inversion Theorem, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.), vol. 39, 2008, nr. 4, 555-571.
  43. Alcides Buss and Ralf Meyer, Continuous spectral decompositions of abelian group actions on C*-algebras, J. Funct. Anal., vol. 253, 2007, nr. 2, 482-514.


Short Curriculum Vitae

1979 born in Palhoça (Brazil)

1997-2000 mathematics studies at UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Florianópolis

2000 Bachelor's degree in mathematics at UFSC, Florianópolis

2001-2002 master studies at UFSC, Florianópolis

2002 master's degree in mathematics at UFSC, Florianópolis (supervisor Ruy Exel)

2003 assistant professor at UFSC, Florianópolis

2004-2007 doctoral studies at WWU (Westfälische Williams Universität), Münster (Germany)

2007 doctoral degree in mathematics at WWU (supervisors Ralf Meyer and Siegfried Echterhoff), Münster

2008 postdoctoral studies at UFSC (with Ruy Exel)

since 2009 associate professor at UFSC

2013 postdoctoral sabbatical year at the Work group of Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry, Münster

2018 postdoctoral sabbatical year at the Work group of Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry, Münster

2023 postdoctoral sabbatical year at the Work group of Functional Analysis, Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry, Münster

Awards and Honours

1997-2000 Member of PET (Special Programm of Mathematics) at UFSC

2000 Best Student at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 1997-2000 having obtained the best grade among all students of mathematics.

2001-2008 Fellowships from several organizations, including CNPQ, CAPES, DAAD and Humboldt.

2010 Invited Speaker to participate in the "7th Regional Conference of Young Scientists of TWAS-ROLAC" at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

since 2012 CNPq research productivity scholarship (Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq - Nível 1)

Foreign Languages (native Brazilian Portuguese): English and German

Teaching Experience

I have taught many basic and advanced courses in mathematics, among them:


Participation in Events