Licio H. Bezerra - publications


  • New Methods for Fast Small-Signal Stability Assessment of Large Scale Power Systems, with L. T. G. Lima, C. Tomei and N. Martins, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10(4): 1979-1985, 1995.

  • On Zero Locations of Predictor Polynomials, with F. S. V. Bazan, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 4(6): 459-468, 1997.

  • Mobius Transforms and Solvers for Large Sparse Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems, with C. Tomei and R. A. McCoy, TR/PA/98/03, CERFACS, Toulouse, France, 1998.

  • Eigenvalue Locations of Generalized Companion Predictor Matrices, with F. S. V. Bazan, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 19(4): 886-897, 1998.

  • Spectral Transformations Algorithms for Computing Unstable Modes, with C. Tomei, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 18(1): 1-14, 1999.

  • An eigenvalue method for calculating dominant poles of a transfer function, Applied Mathematics Letters, 21(3): 244-247, 2008.

  • Matrizes Especiais em Matemática Numérica, Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2011. ii+98 pp.

  • Música e Matemática: relações íntimas e abertas, Ciência Hoje, 282: 36-41, 2011.

  • On computing Bézier curves by Pascal matrix methods, with L. K. Sacht, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(24): 10118-10128, 2011.

  • Vandermonde Factorizations of a Regular Hankel Matrix and Their Application to the Computation of Bézier Curves , SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 33(2): 411-432, 2012.

  • Efficient computation of Bézier curves from their Bernstein-Fourier representation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 220(1): 235-238, 2013.

  • Eigenvalue methods for calculating dominant poles of a transfer function and their applications in small-signal stability, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 347: 113-121, 2019.

    UFSC home page - Departamento de Matemática home page - Licio H. Bezerra home page, Last Update: 26 May 2014